Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Now that's dedication!

I have been very impressed and inspired by the commitment and dedication of some of my Charlotte running friends over the inclement weekend. Nathan and Caitlin completed their 22 and 16 mile long runs on the dreadmill, Tom Kreger lapped the YMCA indoor track 63 times two days running to get his 7 miles in, the Godfather ran 28 miles outside in the eye of the snow storm Saturday morning, Ben, Dan, John, Billy, Michael, Jordan and myself overcame 50 yards of snow and ice on the PDS track to get our track workouts in yesterday. This is to name but a few examples. Inspiring stuff.

Hopefully over the next few days some sort of normality can resume, although we are forecast more snow and ice over the weekend. My legs could certainly do with hitting their stride without worrying about slipping, sliding and sinking. The last few days have been annoying!

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